Monday, January 9, 2017

What to do.

It's been said by someone somewhere that you're never defeated until you give up.

I'd like to think that it's also a fact that even if you give up you can un-give up and start again, and that counts.

I'm counting on it.

Bad bad bad time over the holidays. Good times, that is, but terrible for my health.

I need to think about how to move forward, how to start, how to actually get going with something - how to move forward.

I think that for the moment it is going to have to start with small things that move up to big things.

Exercise first!

Short-term goals:

Get the gym membership - then I need to get a goal together about how many steps per week. Also, pyramids and a little strength training at least 3 days per week

Medium-term goals:

Run a 5K - I'm thinking around April (this will also get me in shape for my Disneyland trip). Pyramids and strength training at least 5 days per week

Longer-term goals:

Run a 10K or half marathon - there's one in June. I don't know if I've got the ability to get to the half, but I know that I can do the 10K. Also start to quantify how to get the long-term strength training and pyramids in.

Food goals second!

Short-term goals:

Stop shopping for anything in the mornings. and start either bringing lunch or getting valid lunch at the cafe. No sugar drinks at all.

Up fruits/veggies to at least 3 per day. Calorie deficit of 500 per day on average.

Medium-term goals:

Up fruits/veggies to at least 5 per day. Calorie deficit of 1250 per day on average.

Long-term goals:

Figure out how to have a good relationship with food. Keep bad habits out gone - no more binge eating and food hiding.

Let's start with that.

So I am also going to put together my spreadsheet again, tracking all of the important things to me - water intake, steps, calories in/calories out, and everything that will help me out. I am going to reward myself for doing well.

How to pay for this? Well, instead of spending WAY too much money on crap food, I'm going to start paying myself way less for doing well.

I think that I just have to do well tomorrow. I really need to start with the the AA mentality - one day at a time.

Will this work? I've got no clue. But I do know that if I don't do it I won't be able to actually enjoy my Disneyland vacation and either diabetes or a heart attack is in the cards, probably within the next 5 years.

I was skinny. But I got fat again. Then I got skinny. Then I got even fatter again. So I guess it's just time to get skinny again.


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